Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavik serves as a gateway to some of Iceland’s most remarkable natural wonders, ranging from vast ice fields to boiling thermal pools adjacent to lava fields. In this modern, cosmopolitan city, equipped with some of the world’s most advanced technology, it is easy to overlook the rich history that surrounds you. Therefore, it is recommended to explore the stories of the Vikings who once navigated the seas of Iceland, much like yourself, at one of the city’s numerous museums.

  • Set off on a glacier adventure and experience amazing frozen landscapes firsthand.
  • Submerge into the steamy, mineral-rich, geo-thermal waters at beautiful Blue Lagoon.
  • Discover a crystalline underwater paradise when you snorkel between two tectonic plates at Thingvellir National Park.
  • Visit Krysuvic for a most impressive display of steam vents and hot springs of colored mud known as solfataras.
  • Dive deep into Viking lore at Vikingaheimar.

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